Comic Market is the biggest selling Doujinshi event, which means magazine published by fans, in Japan held at Tokyo Big Sight in August and December. It’s been held since 1975. 500,000 people, 35,000 manga-circles and 20,000 cosplays attend the event every time. Their idea is that there is no guest in this event, those who attend this event are participants. Each of you must enjoy and create this event. So if you attend this, you must follow the rules and regulations they made. Before you go, you should read the rule book of this.But you don’t have to worry. the most important thing is enjoy! as long as you don’t do what they don’t do, you are part of them and can enjoy this wonderful event. If you are interested in Japanese Otaku, Anime culture, check this out!
Otaku follows the rule
It’s too difficult to buy all Doujinshi that you want because many people want to buy them, so the event in the morning is sometimes compared to battle field. That’s why stuffs they bought during this event are called reword. Amazingly some people make long line through the very cold (or hot) night to buy rare Doujinshi. As soon as the event starts, they are sold out by them. But officially we are NOT allowed to stay there through the night because it’s violation of the regulation.
address: 3-11-1 Ariake, Koutou-ku, Tokyo 135-0063 Japan